1.5kW Galvo light Image 1

1.5kW Galvo light

$ 1196.95

Efficiency - 95.9% Warranty Product - 5+5yrs Designed in - Austria Made in - Austria

Power categories ranging from 1.5 to 3.1 kW, the Fronius Galvo is perfect for households and is especially suitable for self-consumption systems. The integrated energy management relay allows the self-consumption component to be maximised. A host of other smart features make the Fronius Galvo one of the most future-proof inverters in its class: for example, the integrated data logging, the simple connection to the internet by WLAN, or the plug-in card technology for retrofitting additional functions. Fronius with headquarters in Austria has been engaged in solar electronics since 1992, in particular in the development and production of solar inverters. Thanks to solar electronics Fronius has advanced to the ranks of the worldwide leading manufacturers and continues to develop its position through ongoing product innovations. Fronius Solar Electronics stands for quality and state of the art technology to generate, convert and harness energy in a renewable way. Website

  • Type: Inverters
  • Subtype: Fronius
  • Warranty: 10 year(s)
  • Model Number: Galvo 1.5
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 645x431x204
  • Weight: 16.8
  • Wattage (Watts): 1500

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