16 Amp MCB 1 Pole 6kA Image 1

16 Amp MCB 1 Pole 6kA

$ 8.23

Hager 16 Amp Miniature Circuit Breaker MCB C Curve 1 Pole 6kA

The Hager 16 Amp MCB 1 Pole 6kA is a miniature circuit breaker (MCB) designed for use in electrical distribution systems. This breaker provides reliable over-current protection to ensure the safety and stability of your electrical system. With a rated current of 16 Amps and a breaking capacity of 6kA, this MCB is ideal for use in a variety of commercial and industrial applications. The 1 pole design allows for easy installation and integration into your existing electrical system. The Hager 16 Amp MCB 1 Pole 6kA is a cost-effective solution for protecting your electrical system against over-currents and ensuring reliable performance.

  • Type: Switchboard
  • Subtype: Circuit Breakers
  • Warranty: 1 year(s)
  • Model Number: 16 Amp MCB 1 Pole 6kA

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