SUN2000 12kW (3 Phase)

$ 2718.95

Efficiency - 98.5% Warranty Product - 10yrs Designed in - China Made in - China

The Huawei SUN2000 12kW 3 Phase Inverter is a high-performance and reliable device designed to convert the energy captured from solar panels into usable electricity for homes and businesses. This inverter features advanced technologies and algorithms to ensure high energy efficiency and low loss rate, making it an ideal choice for large-scale solar power systems. Additionally, its compact design and user-friendly interface make it easy to install and operate, making it a popular choice among solar installers and contractors.

  • Type: Inverters
  • Subtype: Huawei
  • Warranty: 10 year(s)
  • Model Number: SUN2000-12KTL-M0
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 525x470x262
  • Weight: 25kg
  • Wattage (Watts): 12000
  • Maximum Amperage (Amps): 30

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