315W Perc Mono Image 1

JA Solar
315W Perc Mono

$ 134.57

Efficiency - 17% Warranty Product - 12yr Warranty Linear - after 25yrs >80% efficiency Made in - China

JA SOLAR Percium Mono 315W by JA SOLAR Powered by high-efficiency PERCIUM cells, this series of high-performance modules provides the most cost-effective solution for lowering the LCOE of any PV systems large or small. KEY FEATURES JA 5BB design module reduce cell series resistance and stress between cell interconnectors improves modules reliability and module conversion efficiency Mono cell technology with passivated backside - PERC - (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) for increased efficiency and yield High power output and module efficiency up to 19.6% RELIABLE QUALITY Positive power tolerance: 0 - +5W 100% EL double-inspection ensures modules are defects free Modules binned by current to improve system performance Potential Induced Degradation (PID) Resistant Please note this module has Black Frame and White Backsheet.

  • Type: Solar Panels
  • Subtype: JA Solar
  • Warranty: 12 year(s)
  • Model Number: JAM60S01-315/PR
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 1650x991x35
  • Weight: 18.2
  • Wattage (Watts): 315
  • Maximum Amperage (Amps): 9.98 ISC
  • Maximum Voltage (Volts): 40.43 VOC

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