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Reposit Power
3 Phase monitoring and battery control

$ 1352.59

Reposit Power is a battery controller and monitoring device. they use information from various sources to sell your stored power at premium prices

Reposit Power is a battery controller and monitoring device. they use information from various sources to sell your stored power at premium prices. This generally occurs in summer through the day when everyone is using airconditioning. At these times energy retailers pay a premium to provide the extra power needed to support their customers. Just like the opening of the gates at Snow hydro releasing stored energy in the form of water falling due to gravity. Batteries also play a renewable role to support these peak demands. Gas-fired generators also support the grid but are heavy polluters and use a finite resource damaging the earth to get to it and taking from it. We in the renewables sector are all looking forward to the Hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen storage which will be the big game-changer.

  • Type: Smart Meter
  • Subtype: Reposit Power
  • Warranty: 5 year(s)
  • Model Number: Reposit 3 phase
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 300x200x100
  • Weight: 2

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