545W PERC Mono Image 1

Risen Energy
545W PERC Mono

$ 241.81

Efficiency - 21.1% Warranty Product - 15yr Warranty Linear - after 25yrs > 84.8% efficiency Made in - China

The Risen RSM144-9 is a high-performance solar panel designed for residential or commercial use. With a power output of 545 watts, it can generate a significant amount of electricity from sunlight. The panel uses PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) mono technology, which allows for greater energy efficiency by reflecting light that is not absorbed on the front side of the cell back towards the rear side. The panel also features 144 half-cells, which can help reduce energy loss due to shading. The sliver frame of the panel is both durable and aesthetically pleasing, and has a thickness of 35mm. The MC4 EVO2 connectors provide a secure and easy-to-use method for connecting the panel to other components in a solar system. Overall, the Risen RSM144-9 is a reliable and efficient option for those looking to harness the power of the sun to generate electricity.

  • Type: Solar Panels
  • Subtype: Risen Energy
  • Warranty: 15 year(s)
  • Model Number: RSM144-9-545M
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 2279x1134x35
  • Weight: 27.8
  • Wattage (Watts): 545
  • Maximum Amperage (Amps): 10.36Amps
  • Maximum Voltage (Volts): 46.87VOC

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