Power Optimiser P401 Image 1

Solar edge
Power Optimiser P401

$ 59.84

Efficiency - 99.5% Warranty Product - 25yrs Designed in - Israel Made in - China

The SolarEdge power optimiser is a DC/DC converter which is connected by installers to each solar panel, turning them into smart panels. The SolarEdge power optimisers increase energy output from PV systems by constantly tracking the maximum power point (MPPT) of each panel individually. Furthermore, the power optimisers monitor the performance of each panel and communicate performance data to the SolarEdge monitoring platform for enhanced, cost-effective panel-level maintenance. Each power optimiser is equipped with the unique SafeDC™ feature which automatically reduces panels' DC voltage to a safe level whenever the inverter or grid power is shut down (unless connected to a StorEdge inverter operating in backup mode). Panel-level MPPT The MPPT per panel allows for flexible installation design with multiple orientations, tilts and panel types in the same string. When working with SolarEdge inverters, the power optimisers automatically maintain a fixed string voltage, allowing installers even greater flexibility with longer strings and strings of different lengths in order to design optimal PV systems. The SolarEdge power optimisers are compatible with c-Si, thin-film, and high current panels, and have a 25-year warranty.

  • Type: Inverters
  • Subtype: SolarEdge
  • Warranty: 25 year(s)
  • Model Number: P401
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 129x90x49.5
  • Weight: .775
  • Wattage (Watts): 405
  • Maximum Amperage (Amps): 15
  • Maximum Voltage (Volts): 85

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