3.2kWh Battery Module Image 1

3.2kWh Battery Module

$ 1649.95

Sungrows 3.2kWh Battery Module provides ease of install and scalabilitiy upto 100kWh. It provides 30amps of continuous charge and discharge

HIGH-PERFORMANCE 100% useable energy 30A continuous carge and discharge current SAFETY Lithium iron phosphate battery Multi-stages protection design plus authorized certification FLEXIBILITY Extendable during lifetime Support 3–8 modules per unit, max. 4 units in parallel, 9–100 kWh capacity range EASY INSTALLATION Compact and Light, single person installation Plug and Play, wiring-less connection between modules

  • Type: Battery
  • Subtype: Sungrow
  • Warranty: 10 year(s)
  • Model Number: ES-SGR-SBR
  • Wattage (Watts): 3.2kWh
  • Maximum Amperage (Amps): 30

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