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  • 425W MAXEON 6 AC - (inbuilt Enphase micro inverter)
425W MAXEON 6 AC - (inbuilt Enphase micro inverter) Image 1

425W MAXEON 6 AC - (inbuilt Enphase micro inverter)

$ 522.12

Efficiency - 22% Warranty Product - 40yrs Warranty Linear - after 40yrs >88.25% efficiency Warranty inverter - 25yrs Inverter efficiency - 96.5% Designed - USA Made in - USA, Malaysia

The SunPower 425W Maxion 6 AC is the new flagship product for SunPower in Australia, set to replace the Max 5 AC. With an impressive efficiency of 22%, it is one of the most advanced solar panels available on the market today. The factory-integrated microinverter and long warranties on both the panel and inverter make it a top choice for those seeking the highest quality and reliability in their solar energy systems. With a 40-year warranty on product and performance and a 25-year extended warranty on the Enphase microinverter, the Maxion 6 AC offers a high ROI over its lifetime and provides design flexibility with its ability to effectively operate in shaded areas and with multiple orientations. For updated prices on the supply and install of this AC module Request a Quote and we'll get back to shortly.

  • Type: Solar Panels
  • Subtype: SunPower
  • Warranty: 40 year(s)
  • Model Number: spr-max6-425
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 1032x1872x40
  • Weight: 21.8
  • Wattage (Watts): 425
  • Maximum Amperage (Amps): 11 per branch

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