Honey M Perc Mono 370W Image 1

Honey M Perc Mono 370W

$ 175.62

Efficiency - 20.2% Warranty Product - 15 yrs Warranty Linear - after 25yrs >84.8% efficiency Made in - China

TRINA Honey M Perc Mono 370W Black 35mm MC4 Landscape by TRINA High power Mono Perc • Up to 380W front power and 20.7% module efficiency with half-cut and MBB (Multi Busbar) technology bringing more BOS savings • Lower resistance of half-cut and good reflection effect of MBB ensure high power High reliability • Ensured PID resistance through cell process and module material control • Resistant to salt, acid and ammonia • Mechanical performance: Up to 5400 Pa positive load and 2400 Pa negative load High energy generation • Excellent IAM and low light performance validated by 3rd party with cell process and module material optimization • Lower temp coefficient (-0.36%) and NMOT bring more energy leading to lower LCOE • Better anti-shading performance and lower operating temperature

  • Type: Solar Panels
  • Subtype: Trina
  • Warranty: 15 year(s)
  • Model Number: TSM-370DD08M.08(II)
  • Product Dimensions (mm): 1763x1040
  • Weight: 20kg
  • Wattage (Watts): 370
  • Maximum Amperage (Amps): 11.37
  • Maximum Voltage (Volts): 41.3

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